In my experience coincidences certainly seem to happen,-now is this
random chance or is there some hidden order and pattern at work?
Physicist David Bohm concluded that there is infact an 'Implicate Order'
holding everything together as a whole.
Last week my cousin sent me the card above for my birthday;
as hers is close to mine, almost simultaneously I had posted off
a card to her.The strange thing is---they were both almost identical!
Both cards showed two young women, and both had bicycles.
Although the cards were painted by different artists,
in each the theme and mood was identical.
Each picture
evoked an atmosphere almost surreal,with a mistiness
and dream-like quality, beautiful, quite mystical.
A movement into light is here,a closeness to nature,with its
sense of new life,colour and simple loveliness.
Carl Jung would call this happening'a synchronistic one',
in his opinion coincidences have a deeper,
important meaning that we should look at.There is a symbolism here,
similar to that of dreams, and we should reflect on that meaning.
In dreams, riding bicycles is often interpreted as linked
with a desire for or a movement back into joy, simplicity,
Looking at my lovely birthday card I'm drawn
into this beautiful moment.I do desire this new life with its
sense of lightness ,brightness, beauty,carefree living,
so simply unpressurised. I'm free-wheeling here, and meandering
through idyllic scenes, lifted into a world where life
in its loveliness has real meaning, where all is gentle,harmonious
and at peace.
I choose to think that this is my birthday card message.
Hope to enter a new year of simple abundance,
a movement into real happiness,with true living,
and adventure of the perfect kind.!----
I'm wishing this for my cousin with the card I sent to her,
and ofcourse for everyone.
'There is no such thing as chance;and what seems to us the merest accident
springs from the deepest source of Destiny.'
Friedrich Schiller.
'Happiness is not a matter of intensity but a balance, order, and rhythm and harmony.-----Thomas Merton.
Synchronicity-----'a governing dynamic that underlies the whole
of human experience.' ----Carl Jung.