Sunday, September 26, 2010

.CD's for Peace and Wellbeing.


The Oasis way of life is based on a simple pattern of living that believes
 in living life as peacefully, happily and freely as possible.
It believes too that if we can enter a more spiritual dimension , lessening the emphasis on the materialistic approach to life that so often dominates,  and finding a more balanced pattern, -then we are able to draw on a supply of energy that really animates us because it is the very Spirit of a Life flowing through us.

 We begin to see more clearly, live more lovingly and fully, and start to find a real happiness and peace.
              The CD's below are based on this approach,
and they offer a simple but deep experience of relaxation to inspire a feeling of peace and wellbeing.

I offer four CD'S each approximately half an hour long, and you can interchange them daily if you wish.They lead with gently spoken words through a relaxation, deep breathing, visualisation and meditation programme that is simple but deep.

Try to find a quiet time when you can release your mind a little from some of
the jumble of daily thoughts and activities.
If you have a space that is uncluttered ,simple and with soft lighting,-maybe candlelight,-this is great.
Wear comfortable loose clothing----then you are ready to begin. As you listen
your conscious mind will relax, opening you up to a deeper level, and
a receptive meeting with your soul where you can find true peace.

A suggested price for each CD is  €10  or you can have a set of four for €35.
Postage is included in the cost.
 You can use the Paypal donate button on the sidebar.
 If you do this, please Email me also with the title(s)
you have chosen.

If you live in Malta you can Email me and collect the CD from the studio or flat.
Also if you are interested in small group sessions of guided
 relaxation/meditation evenings , or have friends who might be interested,-let me know.  
I do hope you find the CD's helpful and inspiring if you use them.

Try to clear your head a little from some of the jumble of daily activities and thoughts,
wear loose, comfortable clothing,------and you are ready to begin.

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