Sunday, February 28, 2010


We've been blessed with several glorious Spring-like days here, and I became acutely aware of how often I take such things for granted. On  days like these the view directly across from our flat is quite breath taking.
St Paul's Island lies sleepily in the distance, the occasional sailing boat glides by silently, otherwise  simply a vast expanse of blue;-----blue sky and a sapphire sea ,peaceful and beautiful.
            Why is it that , at times like  these I often let such beauty slip by almost unnoticed and unappreciated? This thought brings to mind words from . T. S. Eliot's  hauntingly lovely poem Burnt Norton.-----
                                        " Go, go, go said the bird: human kind
                                          Cannot bear very much reality."
            Is it that when I give myself the time to drink in this sea scene it is just a bit too much? There is this vast expanse of BLUE;  mystery, the unknown.  It draws me into it with a mesmerising  force whose
power is the stuff that  inspires visions and dreams. Here in this vast emptiness, this never ending space is  perhaps a glimpse of the infinite,- a glimpse of Eternity. Maybe a sadness comes from a feeling of something lost, something one is longing  and hoping for. All I know is that this BEAUTY is real, is wonderful, and to take time to let it sink in is a moment that I need to accept with recognition and deep gratitude.

                       '  To see a world in a grain of sand,and heaven in a wild flower.
                         hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour.'
                                                               William Blake.

'Solitude is not something you must hope for in the future; rather it is a deepening of the present, and unless you look for it in the present, you will never find it.'
                                                              Thomas Merton.

'When it comes to Life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.'
                                                              G. K. Chesterton.


Saturday, February 27, 2010


                                                                White Dove,
                                                                shed your light
                                                                on a world in need.
                                                                Shower blessings
                                                                 like soft rain,
                                                                comfort, heal, renew.
                                                                Peace, only Peace.

               'If we have no Peace it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other.'
                                                                               Mother Teresa.

                                       '  Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.'
                                                                   Nelson Mandela.


Friday, February 26, 2010


                                                         'Feel free!' They say to me.
                                                          Do They think I'm crazy?
                                                          How do I move as I want to
                                                          through rigid lines hemming me in,
                                                          stifling my soul, my spirit?
                                                          How dare They touch me
                                                          on the core of feeling within me?
                                                          But They dare.

                                                           So let me dare!
                                                           Dare to move beyond this choking fear;
                                                           see the sun rise in the East,
                                                           walk with sureness among fragrant flowers
                                                           that bloom in the freedom of my heart,my soul.
                                                            Let me be dare be ME without restriction;
                                                           feel the wonder of my own life
                                                           as I move into this light, this love,
                                                            my spirit soaring to the heavens and beyond.

           If you like this watercolour painting there are more on my website,-also prints.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


At the moment I have a horribly swollen ankle, and in order to keep our morning walk going we are having to adapt. Adapting means re-routing to the studio instead of the coffee shop, and rising in the very early hours so that I can sneak along, limping in my summer FLIPFLOPS!! This said, and apart from the pain factor it has been an experience not to be missed.
            As we leave, Cikko's house light is the only one to be seen, and outside the street lights reflect in the black water.As we reach the studio the big old palms stand outside like giant sentinels solitary and majestic.Inside, enjoying a welcome hot coffee we relax into the all pervading stillness. What a sense of peace, silence, mystery! Outside, across the old street  the even  older farmhouse (now a garage) basks in a soft orange glow, the palms are  rustling gently, and a faint tremor of early birdsong is just audible.---- For me  a magical setting!
Time to leave!---Off we go, and I'm still hoping that the flipflops will not be observed. Why do I have to be so horribly self-conscious, who on earth would be even faintly interested at this time in the morning!?  
The sky is beginning to lighten now as we walk along by the sea. The ducks are  waiting for their breakfast, and-yes- there is Cikko strolling towards them. We greet him and I use this opportunity to catch him on camera. I think he is pleased to humour me! As we approach the flat, the sky is turning a faint rosy pink. and there is the sun peeping round from behind the old  silhouetted watchtower.
As we climb the stairs we hear the cockerel crowing out there in Marius' back garden. Dawn has crept  up on us almost imperceptibly, and a new day has begun!  

'A dreamer is one who can only find his way by  moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of  the world'.----Oscar Wilde.                                                                               

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


For as long as I can remember and long before this, Cikko( Francesco) has been a part of the scene; I should really say a central part of the scene. Village life without him would simply be unimaginable. A man of the village and the sea, he is woven into the very fabric of life and living here.  As  we rise in the morning at 5-00 Cikko's light is glowing from his little house across the way, then he is off to church and his morning prayers. The ducks are ready and waiting eagerly for their morning feed, and Cikko never misses. We took these pictures of him this morning as he made his way to them.
 All through winter and well into spring his woolly hat is a permanent fixture. -only when he feels that warm summer air does he discard it. He loves spring time when he can walk along by the sea, or sit for a while under the big palm tree, chatting to passers -by. It's as if everyone stops to talk with Cikko, and he loves a little conversation with the early tourists,I'm sure fascinating them with stories they love to hear. On beautiful spring mornings, very early, there is Cikko below us in his little boat, gliding gently along with his long bamboo pole, looking into the clear depths for the octupus that he nearly always finds. Later on such days we see him in his small storeroom mending his nets.
 As it draws towards the Summer Season, Cikko begins a quiet mumbling  and grumbling about 'THE SOMMAIRE!'- He Really hates the way the rocks quite suddenly lose their tranquility and become part of the tourist  attraction for a while.He makes the best of it though, there as usual but not in the heat of the day.  It's not until we are well into autumn that we greet and see him once again truly in his element, savouring the  scene. His wise old face crinkles into a grin and he says with a twinkle in his eyes----'Aaah -PEACE.'  
 Everyone loves Cikko! A man of the village, a man of the sea;- a simple man, a brave and good man,-a man whose face shines with warmth and love of life and people,-  a dear, sweet,  gentle friend who without doubt  belongs with us all  here as a  deep part of ourselves .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


last week while putting up my Sea Scene photos, I was fascinated to see how much the  one above resembled my  paintings-'Sea Breeze' and 'Underwater.' Each of these paintings was created at a different time, much space between them and neither of them relying on observation of the sea when painted. Most of my paintings rely on a visual picture that emerges from the imagination and a feeling of inspiration.I realise though that so many come from deep within the subconscious and rise into the conscious mind  blending  with feelings, emotions, memory,associations etc.
    Sea Breeze is a watercolour from several years back,- Underwater is a textured acrylic painting  finished quite recently; both I feel have looked  with the 'inner eye'
to try to capture the mood, the emotion, even the essence of the theme if only in a   simple way, and ofcourse from my perspective.

I do not literally paint the table but the emotion it produces  upon me.- 
                                                                      Henry Matisse. 

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inner significance.----Aristotle.

If you are interested in the paintings-see my website.---Prints are also available.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


It's a sunny sunday morning here and what better way to relax into 'elevenses' than with Lina's Italian style cornetti. They are truly mouthwateringly delicious , as are all her recipes, and these are her own variation on the classic favourite.

For the pastry:---250g. ricotta.
                        250g. butter.
                        250g.-00 flour.

                             3 tablespoons sugar.
                        1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
                       Pinch salt.
For the filling:
                    2-3 apples.
                    1 tablespoon brown sugar.
                   A little butter.
                   Grated rind of an orange.
                   Cinnamon to taste.

  Blend all the pastry ingredients and refrigerate for1/2 hour.
 Cook apple with other filling   ingredients and set aside.

Roll pastry to about 1/2 cm. and cut into triangles or rounds.
Put in centre a teaspoon of the filling and roll up into biscuits.

Brush with egg and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180C.

'One of the very nicest things about life is that we must regularly stop whatever we are doing to devote our attention to eating.'
    Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright.-----Pavarotti,My Own Story.

Saturday, February 20, 2010



Whenever Joe returns from the flower shop with a bunch of freesias I know that Spring has nearly arrived! Already the red colouring that I have found so warm and comforting is beginning to look not quite right in the changing light,and the rooms seem to be calling out for some yellows and greens. So these freesias have arrived at just the right moment to brighten the scene---and this they do! I've placed them in the hall-way where they best catch the light and their fragrance is powerfully alive.
        Freesias are among my favourite flowers.They hold for me a nostalgia, a sweetness, even a  tinge of sadness.The first pressed flower picture that I gave my Mum many years ago for Mother's Day was made with freesias. My own wedding bouquet was a blend of freesias and roses, and my first sight of them  as Spring approaches always moves me deeply.
 Apparently the bulb originally came from Africa, and  the bloom was named by Dr. Friedrich Freese a  physician from Kiel in Germany. One of the most fragrant flowers it symbolises innocence, friendship and  love. I just love having  them around for as long as I can, they are a lovely burst of sunshine!

'Perfumes are the feelings of flowers.'-----Heinrich Heine.

'Flowers really do intoxicate me.-----' Vita Sackville West.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I know that at this time of year I  do a fair bit of complaining about the weather, so when a 'perfect' day happens literally out of the blue then ofcourse it would be so ungrateful of me not to acknowledge this .Yesterday was such a day!  A gentle south westerly, a  warming welcome rise in temperature and a really beautiful view from our terrace!
 On days like this the sea reflects the sky with an even more intense shade of blue.Centrally ahead lies St. Paul's Island, and all its mystery. There is a sense of infinite space and calm and this serenity seems to pervade the atmosphere. Despite a daily  work load hovering I feel the need to sit for a while drinking in the scene and all that it holds. -I just know that such moments are offering some special gift that I need to accept and relish.

Just  below us near the rock is a lovely  patch of green,  translucent and deep; little fish swim below, multi-coloured  from the jewels of sunlight that sparkle  on the surface .Certainly a beautiful  day!  

For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)
It's always ourself we find in the sea.
   e.e. cummings.                                                                                                      

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I mentioned in tuesday's post that along with the plants on the terrace the nettles are making their appearance.This year we've decided to put them to good use.Rather than uproot them we have steamed them along with other veg. and the taste is good, especially with a little grated Parmesan. Really I think you can use nettles for any recipe where you would use normally use spinach or kale. Good  in soups, quiche,lasagne, pesto etc. they really are versatile, and most important they are so nutritious.
Even the sting in the nettles is apparently healing;-formic acid and a little histamine can apparently help arthritis and gout.They are a really rich source of iron and many other vitamins and minerals, and ofcourse have been used throughout history as a wonderful blood cleanser.----Really a green 'super- food'!
Apparently early spring is the best time to pick them .Some say that you feel no sting if you grasp them firmly,-infact occasionally Joe does this successfully,- more often we use gardening gloves!
So this year we are ready to experiment with more varied recipes.An interesting website you might like is:-
  Their nettle recipes look good.----Nettle Yogurt Tonic, and Nettle Cocktail--- I'm ready to have a go !!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Watercolour on cotton 16"x12" see website.
Did  I mention Spring yesterday?-I must have forgotten that it's February! I don't really understand what it is about this month but Im very aware of even my positive thinking friends veering round to a bit of negativity. -----You know what I mean?! The conversation begins to touch on topics of health, aches and pains, and even worse----'getting old'. Thank goodness for our morning visits to the coffee shop! If things begin to grow rather heavy, we quickly throw in some light banter, supplemented ofcourse by a touch of uplifting music. It usually works! Don't mistake me, ofcourse there are occasions when these themes have to be met and entered into, and then with realism, but I try constantly to find a counter balance with humour and a positive approach when I can;- just an effort to maintain an equilibrium so thatI am perhaps more able to lighten the load of others. ---- I just don't want to wallow in the darker side of life when it isn't necessary.
Maybe there is a tendency to feel a little low in february due to an ant-climax ,Post Christmas mood.All those bright New Year resolutions have lost some of their glittery appeal, and are becoming a little rusty and jaded, - a struggle really.-Indeed there is a glimpse of Springjust now   but one sunny day seems to be followed  here by an onslaught of weather that is cold wet windy and miserable. Add to this the fact that Ash Wednesday starts off Lent today, and a time of more sombre discipline,---  a tradition that lies deep in the psyche of  the Maltese and  so its probably understandable why february isn't the most popular month.
  That said, I still feel stirrings of Spring! The Winter Cherry IS shooting, so are other plants out on the terrace,----and if I need convincing, there are the NETTLES, making quite an energetic appearance among the flower tubs. Ofcourse, thinking positively we steamed them yesterday with the other vegetables--- and you know what?- They were good! Better than spinach I think!

Positive anything is better than negative thinking.-----Elbert Hubbard.

    In the depth of winter I finally learned that there is an invincible summer.----Albert Camus.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I certainly don't have green fingers like my Dad, but how I need flowers and plants around me, inside and outside! They are woven into my senses so deeply, that without them I feel jaded. After Christmas our little winter cherry began to look jaded too, but reluctant to discard it after it had given so much joy, I put it out of sight,-and hoped.
            This morning  I suddenly realised that it was shooting new growth!This sudden revelation of new life never fails to lift my spirits.Imperceptibly Spring creeps up on us, and then we are lifted into a gentle breath of sweet revitalised air, with a fragrance, a newness a freshness that intoxicates.
I'm not sure what to do now with the winter cherry; Malta weather is quite different from England. I may try it outside once the winds settle a bit,---- then we'll see!

My green thumbs came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plants point of view.----H. Fred Dale.

When one of my plants dies I die a little inside too.-----Linda Solegate.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I just  know that amidst all the hustle and bustle of daily life and living I need time to be still. Infact this is a deep need , otherwise I become disoriented and unhappy and life begins to make very little sense. For me a time for stillness and reflection  can be  anywhere I can find a little quiet and solitude. Not always easy, but I try to let it happen! Maybe listening to music, maybe sitting for a while in the sun, maybe keeping cosy and comfortable and opening my heart to a little meditation. I'm sure that this sillness has to be with the heart,-a loving openness that helps me connect with my soul and its connectedness to a loving Creator.
 Yes this is a mystery, if I try to use my rational consciousness to understand or explain this spiritual dimension, I become confused and agitated;if I open my heart, I find what I feel to be simplicity , peace and truth.
      I'm convinced though that each day this stillness has to be balanced by activity- the two work harmoniously.If I can use the energy I've gathered to move outwards into the day, again living with the heart, I honestly feel that I've achieved something a little worthwhile.I suppose I believe that prayer is there in the activity and the stillness, and If this is truly from the heart, then it has a power that can help , even in a small way, to make the world a happier place for everyone. 

Today's Quote:
   Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when whatever the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.-----Victor Hugo.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We had a visit from Martha yesterday at the studio- this is the first time she has seen it, and she immediately felt at home. She loved looking  at the new paintings, and I have to say her comments  certainly made me happy! She's an intuitive person who responds easily to atmosphere and 'vibes', -and she felt a strong energy flowing out of each piece.Each she felt had a unique individual quality, at the same time merging into the whole scene to provide colour, energy and a sense of peace.This was great to hear, because it's exactly how I wish my paintings to be.
 Much of my own creative energy goes into each piece: never a copy, I try to transmit this energy into the work,  so that it reflects in its own unique way  the  vision that I see, hoping that it will 'send out' all that is simple and positive .
   The Victorian  poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, with his bold innovative style was so aware of this essence of each individul form (inscape)- and also of the universal energy of being that holds all things together to create the whole-.(Instress)---How true! I really believe this is so.
We walked outside into the grounds of the old palazzo and Martha stood for a while gazing at the three very old palm trees. Like me she felt moved by an atmosphere steeped in history, mystery,  nostalgia and peace.-One of those lovely moments !

 There lives the dearest freshness deep down things.------
                                    Fom God's Grandeur.----Gerard Manley Hopkins. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010


It's Carnival time here in Malta and excitement is growing by the day! I have to be honest and admit that I'm not a great enthusiast, but the children here love it - so do many grown ups.Thankfully the sun is shining this morning and I think it will be a cold bright day.-A little chilly for - small princesses, fairies and flimsy dresses-( always lots of these!!)- They never seem aware of the weather though, they are in some happy place.
       Carnival was introduced to Malta in 1535 by Grand Master Piero de Ponti. and is held during the five days leading to Ash Wednesday.Celebrations abound on the Island and the sister Island of Gozo.There are masked balls, fancy dress,marching bands and ofcourse the floats. These have developed into an industry with dockyard workers often providing the framework, with villages working for months on their own unique creation. Baroque and ornate in style they certainly provide colour!
There is always a social element involved, but this year the political scene seems to be increasingly encroaching.-What a pity!
         I hope everyone can simply enjoy it with lightness, laughter and fun!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm certainly not good at getting up early! All my life I have felt that rising before  6-00 was unthinkable;--- It's funny how things change! Last summer was unbearably hot here in Malta, and  if we planned to continue our daily walk it had to be either very early morning or very late evening,-We chose the former.
         Now this means that we rise at---for me, the incredible time of 4-45 ! A quick shower, a piece of fruit,- and out! Still pitch black outside.Rather good though.As we walk along by the sea we greet a very few early morning enthusiasts, their faces looming up suddenly out of the darkness, -they're enjoying their morning jog.We continue along by the sea,  sky melting into it like a swathe of black velvet. There's a sense of mystery- of the unknown- in those dark depths,  a pervading sense of stillness.I feel too though, that somewhere at the very core, is a storehouse of energy,  constantly growing and just waiting to burst out!
     We reach the coffee shop, welcoming with its soft lights and encompassing warmth.Warmth too in the cosy companionship of the   'early morning' group.Berto has already succumbed to the appetising smell of Joe's cheesecakes , and there is more baking on the go downstairs in the kitchen.We give Joe a 'burned off' recording of an old Elvis C.D.(His favourite performer) and conversation turns to music.Next we touch on the question of Malta's surplus supply of 'Swine Flu' vaccine,---but we'll let that one go,----too early in the morning for a 'heavy' discussion!! We move to the huge glass window with our cappuccino, soft Italian music as a backdrop, and ----lo and behold-----outside,-  Daylight has arrived!
     Our return journey is peaceful, a sole fisherman sits at the end of the pier,sky and sea are taking on their light early morning hue,  and everything is still a little sleepy.----and me,----       So glad to have entered into this beautiful early morning , I just feel now that I  haven't lost a single moment of the  day!

'The time just before dawn contains the most energy of all the hours of the day.This has helped me become an early riser and an early doer-----when I wake to see that it's light out already, I feel like the world has started without me.'---Adabella Radici.

Thursday, February 11, 2010



It's moving into Carnival time here in Malta, and as is quite usual the weather is rainy and windy! Not at all daunted the children have their costumes ready; -all shapes styles and colours and ofcourse each one hoping  to win a prize.
I thought I would try to capture the carnival atmosphere with my painting,- the colour, the liveliness, the sense of fantasy and fun.----I hope It's sunny on saturday!

I kind of like things slightly out of tune----like I'm in a carnival in a dream.----I do have a pretty good pitch recognition. I see colours for different key signatures.
                                           Christine Anderson. 

 Everything being a constant carnival there is no carnival left.----Victor Hugo.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Years ago I loved designing  flower pictures. They made unusual  gifts for friends  who always seemed delighted, and creating them gave me great pleasure too. Joe made a deep recessed frame for each design----an arrangement of dried roses, delphinium , daisies,pressed rose leaves and fern.They seemed to bring colour and joy!
   Suddenly though, the flower pictures' took off' as it were! We attended trade shows, and orders began to roll in .----Too many!!---Large department stores, company commissions, exports,----we were inundated, - as a business it was good news.The other side of the picture was that we became increasingly,tired, stressful, irritable, and although the pictures still looked good----for me they seemed to be losing their freshness. their uniqueness, -their soul. Worse still,- I felt that my own soul was being stifled! The joy of creating seemed to disappear, I was operating' a conveyor belt' system that seemed increasingly meaningless and devoid of simple happiness.
   So we changed direction! Maybe we were moved in a different direction--- but anyway I have never ever regretted this .I can  say this with absolute honesty. We may have moved away from the 'money scene' but  the simple joy of  feeling free to  be free is something I will always  treasure.

There is no money in poetry,but there is no poetry in money.---Robert Graves.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


  MUSIC MAN----and MEXICAN LADY----- from a selection of my acrylic paintings with a Latin American theme.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ---Berthold  Auerbach.

You are the music while the music lasts.-------T.S. Eliot.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I worked really hard yesterday putting a 'Print on Demand' section on my website. It means that I can sell prints of my paintings at much more affordable prices than the originals and ofcourse this is really good. The problem lies with my horror at all things to do with figures, numbers, dimensions , and the technical side of things! I become inadequate and disgruntled. However it seems to be  taking shape fairly smoothly, with a few hiccups to be sorted out. If you are interested, the website is:-
As for today, -I need a little lightness!--- It's strange but whenever I  need cheering, I usually turn to Latin American music;- that, or the Sixties  scene.Also from time to time these themes pop up in my paintings, and certainly the Mexican paintings are always popular.I feel it is so much to do with the association these have with colour, music,animation,energy,----a simple, happy picture of life! - Life as it should be!

            If you want to be happy,---be.
                                                Leo Tolstoy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We've seen some sunny days recently, and below us on the rocks the fishing enthusiasts are beginning to gather. Some are eager, maybe to the point of fanaticism, others are there to sit and dream, but they are all equipped with the latest gear, and arrive especially when the current is from north east.
         Years ago when we first came to Malta, I painted the picture above. I couldn't resist it when I saw the young boy below, almost motionless  in a happy dream-world. Mark is a grown man now, probably with little ones of his own,and no longer is he there on the rocks, soaking in the peace of the morning.
          I would love to try another painting though.As the days grow warmer I  'll keep looking until I find the right moment-and subject! Maybe this time it will be Joe---'of the Great Catch' (above)----On second thoughts I think it would be impossible for him to sit still for long enough! ---Ah well!----

The fishing was good:it was the catch that was bad.---A.K.Best.

 The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series  of occasions for hope.----- John Buchan.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Yesterday we set off on a brisk start -----lots of things to do in the studio.I wanted to finish my latest collage,then photograph recent  paintings for my website.Joe intended to tidy up the plants and work on a few odd jobs.------
 On the way down we were greeted by one of our friends who loves to talk!We enjoyed the conversation and moved on.The studio was warm ,cosy and bathed in sunlight so  I settled down to work.A few minutes later, a head popped round the door,- it was Lina our Italian neighbour, bringing us a fresh  batch of her'never to be forgotten 'wholemeal bread. Then as if hearing the kettle boil, Joe F. and Ingrid were there on the doorstep, Joe sporting his inevitable camera, and his lively personality.
   So ofcourse we  sat down to hot coffee, cookies and an animated chat.Nothing extraordinary,-recipes, creativity,weather etc.I don't think we set the world to rights,but however simple, the talk was animated, full of humour, we entered into it with zest, and the hours passed quickly.Maybe we were helped a little by the last  of the pomegranate liqueur!All in all a great morning!
So it just goes to show that yesterday's early morning wish for life to be simple, varied, spontaneous, not rigid,actually came true. I didn't do much work, but I really had a great time enjoying life as life!

 I need neither future nor past, but to learn to take today not too fast.
                                                         Jeb Dickerson.

My life has a superb cast, but I can't figure out the plot.
                                                                     Ashleigh Brilliant.