Monday, August 16, 2010

Silver twilight-----

As I move through each day I am increasingly learning to  nurture
those magic moments that creep up and are suddenly here
with us.
Last night was such a moment.
A simple scene, but beautiful. From the terrace, the sky and the sea below
were drenched in silver,-a silver scene.

That moment of twilight, suspended between light and dark.
A moment when the air seems still and all is hushed.
A moment that seems somehow out of time,
a perfect balance
when perception seems heightened and reality
is here in focus, but without effort.

All is beautiful, all is well.
God is here, up close in this moment,
enveloping me in a feeling of deep peace.
I love these moments!-Somehow within this peace and stillness
I feel more fully alive.

1 comment:

  1. I've discovered this time too. I wend my way to my room and unwind, tidying, etc, slowly getting ready to bed. Its not dark, nor light still, but quiet as if the earth was getting ready for the night. As you say, Its very peaceful.
