Sunday, April 3, 2011

Away from it all-----

Off to Golden Bay again on a lovely blue sky day.
At this time of year the crowds haven't gathered, there is a sense of carefree leisure.

 It's not too hot to walk about in the sun, not too cold to indulge in a gentle paddle.Swimming is for the few brave souls who inevitably appear!

There's the little kiosk above where you can bask in rthe sun enjoying a very good cappuccino----- almost mesmerised by the dazzling sea sparkle,---- lingering maybe to watch the glorious golden sunset.

Peace,  freedom, and wonderful space, simplicity,-----Golden Bay is a treasure!

1 comment:

  1. Best time of the year now - weather the best and most bearable. May we have many more of these days before the unbearable heat is thrust upon us!
