Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Carice----Mandala----7x10 inches----€100

I'm really enjoying developing the mandala collection for my website,---they give tremendous scope for the imagination as I paint, and let me work in tune with the heart.I offer them as a focus for relaxation,often for a deeper meditation to inspire a sense of wholeness and peace.The colours in this one encourage a lively mood, a lightness of spirit and feeling of joy.

It's not what you look at that matters, but what you see.

Henry David Thoreau.

Think left and think right and think low and think high;oh the thinks you can think up if only you try.

Dr. Seuss.


  1. Hi Mo!
    I love the way that you use texture in your paintings- boldly! It conveys a beautiful sense of motion.
    I found your site through the link that you posted to my blog in your sidebar (londonartgirl). Thanks so much! I am honoured =) I am a fan of yours now and I'm looking forward to seeing what you are going to do next.


    ps if for some reason this comment appears more than once it is because I am having trouble posting - it keeps telling me that I can't be verified =(

  2. Thanks Laura- it's nice to hear from you. I have a simple belief that life should be a balance of stillness and activity; I suppose this comes through in the paintings,-the motion leading deeper to the centre and the stillness.
