Friday, September 18, 2009

Bright colourful paintings and collage to inspire and uplift .Maureen Hughes

Bright colourful paintings and collage to inspire and uplift .Maureen Hughes

Click on title to view slideshow.

I've been a bit adventurous putting up my website slideshow here,----I have to admit it I'm not very bright when it comes to computer technology. Any advanced techniques throw me into a jittery state of confusion, and earlier this year my attempt to put up the one Bunty did for me on You Tube, put me in deep trouble! I'll try again though , ---it has music! Anyway, I'm learning!! ----And honestly, I wouldn't be comfortable being too much of a computer expert, I'm not rational enough for that!

When my daughter was about seven yars old she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at college-that my job was to teach people how to draw; she stared at me incredulous, and said,-'You mean they forget?'

Howard Ikomoto.

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