Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sunflowers----textured acrylic on stretched canvas 16x16 inches--€150

Why do I find myself painting sunflowers at this time of year?--- This week the evenings have been growing cooler and this morning we were almost caught in a torrential downpour.--- I have to admit it, I'm a 'Summer being' at heart. I love to feel the warmth of early sunshine seeping into me, and the thought of wild winds and the waves crashing on the rocks below us is a difficult one---(apologies to my windsurfing pals!)---

However I'm taking the positive approach ofcourse!--- I'm seeking out my winter woollies, hat and scarf included; I've found my trainers and a sturdy pair of boots that will be just fine,and we can look forward to enjoying a cosy evening watching some really good D.V.D.s ---and dare I whisper it, where's my hot water bottle? ---In Malta?! ---Yes, DEFINITELY in Malta.!!---Nobody can tell me that I don't try!---Meanwhile I'll carry on painting,---probably daisies next!
P.S.----How could I forget Christmas?---I love it!!

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love wih Spring.

George Santayana.


  1. Boots..............hats............gloves.........???? Today we are sweltering!! How can you be thinking of those sort of things already?!

  2. You're right----but what about tomorrow?!

  3. If it is a strong south easterly tomorrow you will be quite sheltered where you are so you won't be blown away!
