Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ducks a Dreaming.

The weather has been wet for the past few days,---but that doesn't seem to worry the ducks. At the first blink of sunshine there they are on the rocks below us sunbathing and dreaming before they go off together for a swim, paddle or glide along the sea.
This little colony has been around for quite a few years now and they have really made themselves comfortable. They are so friendly, enjoy attention, and seem to appreciate the bread and cakes thrown to them by the locals. M y own thoughts on this though are that they are just being polite, and really they much prefer the algae and insects that they busily discover for themselves!---Much healthier too! Sadly though there was an exception;--- a white duck who besides being very beautiful was also very greedy. She enjoyed much more than her fair share of bread, and grew fatter and fatter day by day,.Then to our horror, at Christmas time she suddenly disappeared!! One of our friends, who was guilty of much bread throwing was utterly devastated, and nobody dared to suggest what might have happened!!

On to happier things! Whenever I see the ducks, a poem that I learned years ago at scool, comes to mind. I still remember bits and pieces, and I'm sure many do.It comes from the magical book 'Wind in the Willows 'by Kenneth Grahame.

A little extract from'Ducks' Ditty'---

All along the backwater'

Through the rushes tall,

Ducks are a dabbling,

Up tails all.

Ducks' tails, drakes' tails,

Yellow feet a-quiver,

Yellow bills all out of sight

Busy in the river!------

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