Sunday, March 22, 2009


I know that it sometimes seems that I view Life through 'rose- tinted spectacles' but truly I am intensely aware of the suffering and misery that the world is enduring-I believe largely because of individual greed, selfishness, lust for power, ---all of the negative aspects that demean us as human beings.I do believe though that the only way through this for me is to try constantly to let go of fear, suspicion, too much introversion, and focus on those positive qualities----beauty, truth, goodness ,humour, peace and love, that for me are the essence of life and living.If I as an individual can try in my daily life to act these out,- even in a little way,- then I am trying to show that I really believe in theirTruth and essential Reality.

My Poem for Today( extract)---Letting Go.

-----So let me dare!

Dare to move beyond this choking fear of life,

see the sunrise in the east

and walk with sureness into sweet scent of flowers

that bloom in the freedom of my heart,my soul.

Let me dare be me, without restriction;

feel the wonder of my own life,

as I move into this Light,

and feel my spirit soar to the heavens and beyond ......

Maureen (Mo)

1 comment:

  1. Fun picture.....hic!
    Yes one has always to look at the positive side of life - there is too much negativity around not to! It's a shame that the world does not realise how simple it really is to solve so many world problems and crises - if only everybody would see it at the same time!!
