Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekly painting------Sea Breeze.

Sea Breeze----Watercolour 16"x12" with off-white mount.Guide price 45 euros.

Joe at the coffee shop likes to know the story  behind my paintings,
well this one is the story of the sea,
---really the song of the sea,-the summer sea.

On summer days, when there is a soft southerly breeze,
I can look below to see the blue sea gently ruffled.
Clear pools of green appear amid the blue,
drawing the eye and the senses deeper and deeper.

Mystery lies here, the unfathomable,a deep knowing,
the drawing power is strong.
Mesmerised I watch silver fish dart between

My painting touches only the surface,- a doorway
for the imagination.One day maybe, I'll
paint the little fish, the rainbows,
then deeper, deeper,-----------.

1 comment:

  1. I missed my swim today and am already looking forward to it tomorrow. There's something magical and magnetic about the sea and I appreciate the jelly fish letting me in!
