Thursday, June 10, 2010

Colour my morning---

I take an early morning walk as dawn creeps in,the boats shadowy,
bathed in an orange glow,-beautiful and silent.It's a time of
solitude and mystery and I love the sense of peace.

Then ,quite suddenly, peeping over the top of the old watchtower,---sunrise.
A moment of simple splendour.I drink in the light, bathe in
it, and feel energised.

Back home again and the sun is up,lighting the rocks below.
Still a quiet scene though,- no one up and about yet.

Ofcourse----I forgot Cikko. The ducks have been fed and
his little boat glides over smooth, glass-like  water as he looks for  octopus.
---So the morning begins, and I'm thankful for those moments
of colour, light and peace, ----I think it will be a lovely day!


  1. beautiful pictures of our village, I dont think I appreciate it enough; maybe I should get up at dawn too, its surely at its best when really quiet.

  2. O.K. Ginny----I'll call round for you tomorrow aT 5-15!
