Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Number 7 -----Don McLean's 'Vincent'-with slideshow.

I thought that I would end the week of Love Songs
with a happy theme, and then I realised that I
haven't included a real favourite. For me, Don Mclean's
'Vincent' is one of the most beautiful songs, full of love,
 I just have to let it be the closing number.

So moving, because so true, and a deep glimpse into
the heart and soul of that very talented artist Van
Gogh.In their depth the lyrics form a biting social
comment on the inability of the world to see with
 sensitivity and clarity of vision,as the artist often sees.
 The deep lovethat the man had for life and humanity
 was simply misunderstood and unreturned.----
So the tragedy of unrequited love.
         I do hope you enjoy the lovely lyrics, melody and slideshow.

I have had a great time with this week of Love Songs.
I have relaxed with them, enjoyed them, and exercised
 my memory,---a good discipline. The thing is there are
still dozens running around in my mind,----maybe I'll have
 to return to them sometime.----Or maybe other song
 themes will take over,----maybe this will develop into a blog
of themes and songs,----who knows?


1 comment:

  1. Well that was a treat - Vincent is a lovely song and all those beautiful pictures! Thank you! Ginny
