Sunday, April 18, 2010

A laid -back day today!


                                                         FOREST SPIRIT.

                     Sunday today, and a day of rest.A laid-back day
                     when I put monday morning out of my mind,
                     try to relax and really appreciate the moment.

                      We've had quite an active time lately enjoying
                      the company of friends so  there hasn't been
                      much time for painting activities.The video above
                     is a gentle,relaxing,interesting one for artists
                      or indeed anyone.
                      The artist's website is also interesting; it offers
                      a variety of ideas and resources that I need to spend
                      time  looking at.

                     He loves painting outside,and like many artists believes
                     that light is captured more truly here.
                     I tend to be more of an 'inside' painter, I am more
                      private here, and comfortable.

                       'No-one would have the courage to walk up to a writer
                    and ask to look at the last pages of his manuscript
                    but they feel perfectly comfortable staring over an
                    artist's shoulder while he is trying to paint.'
                                                   Robert Genn.

                  As for me, I hope, now that Spring is here, to have an
                  inspired, animated burst of Spring painting.Meanwhile
                  I hope also to  soon  put up on my  Art website a' Spring sale Offer' 
                  on a selection of my paintings.-------Mo.




1 comment:

  1. Very hopeful message as always.Just what we need when we are feeling so lethargic; hope its the weather.
