Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dancing is my cup of tea!

                              I have a back problem and so I need to exercise regularly.
                               Much exercise I do out of a sense of duty or necessity,
                               but dancing is a different matter---I do it out of love,
                               ---I love to dance!

                                Somehow I am lost in another world, and when
                              the music is right, I'm simply flying.-So today, I'm in
                            the mood, the music is right,----I'm off! Won't you join me?


          Video of Toure Kunda's song 'Rapada.'----Putamayo World Music.
        Putamayo have an inspiring collection of music from around the world.


                      MY DANCING POEM:-

                    Dancing is really my cup of tea!
                     It fills me with hope-
                    shows me that life needn't drown in boredom.
                     Every part of me living in light,
                      a deep sense of wonder and freedom.
                     When I dance I see the moon and stars so close
                      I'm floating there,touching them, feeling them,
                      bathing in the brightness of them,
                      drinking them into me deeply,
                        dazzingly alive  in light.


1 comment:

  1. I love the daily blogs and the pictures. Kath likes it too. We hope to pop into the studio Saturday May 1st if you're there; its a holiday though. Ginny
