Monday, March 15, 2010



I was scraping out the honey jar this morning,
thinking how much I enjoy the taste, and believing
 it to be one of the most wholesome nutritious foods,
 when I found myself thinking about Pooh Bear and
 his honey adventures.

How I love Pooh Bear. This goes way back to when
 I was given my Christopher Robin story book as a
class prize in Infant school. Once  again sitting in my
usual place in the garden, I delighted in the lovely pictures,
the verses, the characters and their adventures. No-one
dared to disturb me,- I  was in Heaven!

 So I thought that, this morning I would treat us to a video
of part of Pooh's honey adventure. An animated version, I like
the feel of the interpretation---just simple relaxation
With a little nostalgia.

Honey is a prolific food in Malta,and so it should
be  with it's translated name Melita.The difficulty
though is in trying to be sure that it is really pure
with no added sugar or from sugar- fed bees.

A well known expert bee-keeper is Arnold Grech
who lives in Attard and has won many awards in recognition
of his expertise.People believe in his honey to help
cure many ailments and it is truly delicious.

Recently we have discovered another source who will
deliver the honey, and offers a range of jar sizes.

It's a family run apiary at Bahrija
the predominant flavours being  thyme,
clover and carob.His website is quite informative.

Meanwhile-'Long live honey!' It certainly adds
sweetness to the day's journey.

Bahrija---scene of the' honey area'-Anther Honey.

1 comment:

  1. Poooohh! I was brought up on Winnie the Pooh. Do you know that original first editions and if you are lucky enough to have illustrations signed etc fetch thousands of pounds. Winnie the Pooh is one of the most sought after items in collectable childrens items/books/pictures....whatever. I think one of the attractions is the innocence of Pooh Bear and all the Pooh stories (something not found in modern kids stories!) and somehow with Pooh stories there is a sense of tranquility that comes over one. Just my thoughts :))
