Tuesday, March 2, 2010


                                                     SPRING SONG.

           Today it's march 2nd, and Spring is in the air- I feel it! The last few days have been warm and fresh, almost like early summer, and people seem to be opening their doors to push out that stale winter fug! (Is that a word?) Early tourists have donned T shirts, even sun hats and the change has begun here!

                                         SPRING BOUQUET- WATERCOLOUR.

    Out  on the terrace, plants in tubs are beginning to shoot reminding me of Gerard Manley Hopkins' vivid picture of Spring-----
                   'Nothing is so beautiful as Spring
                    When weeds in wheels shooting long and lovely and lush;
                    Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush
                    Through the echoing timbers does so rinse and wring
                    The ear, it strikes like lightening to hear him sing;
                    The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush
                    The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
                    With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.-----

 We don't see much of the thrush here, and I miss seeing Spring in my cousin's lovely little garden in England, where the Mother thrush can be seen each morning digging for worms under the blossom tree. Here though the birds are growing much more enthusiastic with their morning chorus, and outside our bathroom they are starting to prepare their nests in the ventilation blocks in the wall. This means that bits of straw occasionally float through, down into the bath, -but I don't mind! I think that maybe Marius' cockerel across the way, is becoming rather high----he has started crowing now at 4-00 in the morning!

All in all , I love Spring! I see it as a time of  rebirth, renewal, of hope and joy,and this year I want to savour each moment, and live it to the full!

It's  Spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want-oh you don't quite know what it is you do want,but it just fairly makes your heart ache you want it so!
                          Mark Twain.



  1. Glad you like the change of colour on the blog - got a bick sick of that awful pink. Just wish I could make the page wider - will have to investigate if it can be done.

    I replied to your post on my blog about the Marathon!!

  2. I have tried widening it but cannot find a way, though Rebecca uses Blogger and hers fills the whole page so I think there must be a way of doing it. Need to ask someone who really knows about these things.
