Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TODAY'S PAINTING---GIRL IN WHITE-----and some thoughts about colour healing.

Acrylic on stretched canvas---see my website for originals and prints.-

At the coffee shop the other day we were talking about natural remedies
when Joey with great emphasis said knowingly,-'You should wear white!'
At that moment I was wearing a red T shirt and black trousers! I know though
that although Joey isn't really aware of it he works often with an inherent intuition,
sometimes I think that he is a bit 'over the top,' but very often his words ring true.

Anyway, his words made sense to me because I really love the colour white.
For me the perfect dress -(ofcourse in the perfect weather!)
is light cheesecloth or linen, white, loose, and sleeveless.
No shoes,  simply bare feet and loose hair,- maybe just a touch of beads
in wood or coral, around  the neck, in the hair,- feeling
easy, light and carefree.

Ofcourse we don't have perfect weather,
so I have to adapt, and because I'm Aries,
red is often the colour I choose to feel more alive and energised,
-that or soothing green. It's the same with the room settings
in winter, more red,- in spring, summer more green;---but always white walls.

The alternative practice of Chromotherapy goes way back
to ancient times,when it was believed that  most  diseases could
be treated by using coloured light.'Colour Halls' were used
in ancient Egypt, China and India.

Many believe that white is the colour that has the highest charging 
field to bring peace, comfort and relieve pain.That it can
work on all levels physical,mental, emotional,
spiritual, and will allow enlightenment.


As G.K. Chesterton says-'White---is not a mere absence of colour; it
is a shining affirmative thing; as fierce as red, as definite as black,---
God paints in many colours, but he never
paints so gorgeously, I almost said gaudily, as when he paints in white.'

So my flower is the Daisy
 my birthstone is Diamond, 
and  although I'm of the Fire sign,
I believe that there is such a thing
as White Fire.
So I think Joey is right,
I should wear white!

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