Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TODAY'S PAINTING-'VISION'---- and my recurring dream.

                                                VISION.- MIXED MEDIA ON CANVAS.

I painted this some years ago,- not my usual style, it has a primitive, symbolic quality, and I know that it was born out of one of my often recurring dreams. This dream developed in intensity at a particular stage of my life, linking with a visionary experience of the same intense nature.------

-----I am standing on land, gazing out to the horizon and a far distant shore. I'm drawn into the water, and I begin swimming. I enjoy the moment, and the tranquil sea, Suddenly, however, the sea changes to a wild, turbulent force, buffeting my frail body, causing terror. I'm struggling,sinking, calling out desperately.All seems lost when, seemingly out of nowhere, strong comforting arms are supporting , guiding, lifting me as I continue on my journey. On and on I go, in a semi trance- like state, half hearing soothing ,encouraging words.Then,quite suddely again, I feel myself being laid on dry land.------"You made it, "---- whisper the voices, and I lie there, exhausted, but experiencing  a profound sense of happiness, peace and fulfillment.----

           The dream ends there, and I waken still feeling the intensity.Ofcourse it is telling me much,----much about my own journey  through life , -everyone's journey.-I believe like Carl Jung in the symbolic  importance of dreams. I believe too in their  association with the deep collective unconscious and our connectedness with each other as part of the whole picture.  I believe in this dream.-I believe that we are all on a journey; not a smooth one to be sure.And, with continued faith and optimism I  am conviced that we WILL all  reach that shore.

'A dream  that is not interpreted is like a letter that is not read.'----The Talmud.

Those who have compared our life to a dream are right-----we  sleeping wake, and waking sleep.
                                                                    Michel de Montaigne.- Essays 1580.

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