Sunday, March 7, 2010


I'm not really a collector of animal ornaments but every time my tiny marble and jade elephants catch my eye, they  bring about a happy feeling. Maybe they remind me of the cuddly hand- knitted  one that sat on my bedroom window when I was small. He was really smart , with brightly coloured checked trousers and braces attached with white shiny buttons. He was my friend and we talked together.

What is it about elephants? They seem to have a drawing power.Maybe it's their sense of mystery.Those eyes,-tiny pools of darkness, the depth seeming to harbour a wisdom, a knowingness, deep memories, sadness. If we were only perceptive enough to  hear all that they have to tell us-how wonderful!- Maybe some day!

Elehants can cry, laugh, play, Have incredible memories,they grieve when a member of their group dies.
They use their trunks as a hose to spray water into their mouths,and the trunk itself is extremely sensitive with around 100,000 muscle units.According to Cicero they have a strong-' fellowship with the human race.'

I always feel that the circus way of life is an insult to these amazing creatures, so it was great to hear that  Jumbo the elephant, after 28 years with a circus, has been brought to retirement at theFranklin Zoo  and Wildlife Sanctuary.

Here he can live in relative freedom,enjoying sandpits, dust baths etc. They also are planning a barn where he can have a regular wash-down. So life is looking much happier now for Jumbo.
His First Steps Out :-


Elephant eyes,
dark pools
deep seeing,
deep knowing,
 age -old secrets,
remembering all.

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.--Martin  Buber.



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