Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Loneliness-----a recurring theme today?-----Imagine------

How can it be that today, with our development of
 mass media and communication, that I am strongly aware
of the theme of loneliness recurring  so often?

This doesn't seem to apply only to those people living alone,
it touches the lives of old and young, rich and poor,
sick and healthy.Recently a youngish friend, living a seemingly
actively social life said to me with feeling---'but we are all lonely
aren't we?'

Is this because in the midst of an increasingly materialistic, bureacratic
de-personalised society we are losing the ability to
trust each other, to reach out wih a real caring and
sharing, a warmth and love that lets each other feel safe,
secure, needed and cherished.Is there too much surface
feeling, too much superficial caring,  too much convincing
ourselves that we are loving and living realistically,
too much manipulation of what is true,
too much looking after ourselves?

How tragic if our world develops in this way!
For me, the only way through this is to constantly be aware,
-to try each day to reach out  wih  genuine warmth
unconditionally,to feel deeply that we all need this
real sense of belonging with each other;
to nurture trust, appreciating that it is a quality so fundamental
to a breaking down of fear, suspicion, isolation, and loneliness
that there always has to be sincerity and truth  in all that
is said and done.----Not an easy way sometimes, but I believe
it to be the only true way.

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