Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TODAY'S PAINTING------a mandala for keeping cool ----and some cool jazz.

'So Cool.'----acrylic on stretched canvas18"x24"

This time of the year here in Malta is that time of transition
in terms of the weather. Each year I face the same predicament.
Our flat faces north and is cold; round the corner, the apartments face
 south and a totally different scene weatherwise. There it is hot!
Not just hot, -very hot.Walking out becomes difficult
as to what to wear.Start off with sweater
and soon perspiration is pouring.Wear a sun top
and on returning to the flat I am rushing to find warm woollies.
On off, on off is the theme.------

However soon, and suddenly our flat will betransformed,----
it becomes very very hot! You see as well as facing north 
it is also a penthouse, so during the summer months
 the sun beats dow on the roof relentlessly.Forgotten are those
cold winter days spent longing for the heat
now it becomes an even stronger longing for those cool
autumn breezes.We humans are a contrary lot aren't we?
Never satisfied!

Anyway, I'm taking the positive approach and getting ready.
Hot pinks and reds in the sittng room are now being
replaced with soft greens to cool the atmosphere;
and this applies to paintings too.The mandala painting above
can simply be enjoyed or used as a  focus
for meditation.So if the heat grows to unbearable heights
I'll just 'switch off', slow down, and take a lovely cooling trip into
 the centre, where I can bathe in the waters of imagination
and enjoy a refreshing, revitalising peace.

and then, maybe a little cool jazz.

Ad just incase I am sounding ungracious and ungrateful
please know that I am talking lightly -not
over-seriously. Look at this morning's sunrise,
with its shades of pink melting into a silver sea.
How could I look at this beauty and not feel from
deep in my soul a gratitude for the wonderful
blessings of nature?

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